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Cranium Cariboo



Board Game
Educational Skills Product

This is a new magical treasure hunt game for young children. The popular Cranium provides your child with the experience of exploring the golden island of Cariboo. They will find castles, boats, balloons and more. They love learning to match drawings, unlock secret doors and find hidden treasures. The matching activities provide learning fundamentals of ABC's, numbers, shapes and colors. With each correct match, the kids get to unlock a door with a key and peek inside for the treasure. Adults like playing along with the children to make this is a fun game for the whole family. You begin by dropping six treasure balls into the island's secret tunnels. Magically, each treasure ball is hidden under one of the 15 doors. You never know where the treasure balls will land so each game is different. This includes a game board, one treasure chest, 4 types of matching cards, the key, one treasure map and 6 colorful treasure balls.

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