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Toy Safety Overview

Choosing Safe Toys for Children Aged Birth to 12 Years

Injury prevention and your kids - The biggest threat to the health of children over age one is not some dread disease. It is accidental injury.

More children are seriously hurt or killed by accidental injuries than by anything else. And many childhood injuries can be prevented by parents who know how.

You already care enough to do everything possible to protect your children. Protecting them from injuries is a very important way you can safeguard their health. This publication is one of a series that helps parents prevent childhood injuries.

Toys cause many preventable injuries. Tips on Toys will help you decide just which toys are safe for your children as they grow. Take a few minutes to look over the toys you already have, and keep these guidelines in mind when you buy new ones.

The suggestions made in this publication are based on national information about the kinds of toys most often involved in accidents.

Most of this information was gathered by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the checklist was developed under funding from U.S. Centers for Disease Control.

Up to 1 year

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

1 to 2 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

2 to 3 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

3 to 4 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

4 to 6 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

6 to 8 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

8 to 12 years

Age Group

Safe Toys

Dangerous Toys

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