Gamewright Buzz Out


Bzz Out

Educational Skills Product

This is a honey of a game. The hive is alive with busy bees going about their work. You have to have the highest card. You collect a honey pot. You can swap a low card for a higher card, but the bzz-out card could sting you. If you get your hands on the first four honey pots you win. There are 60 cards, 24 honey pot tokens, and rules. Three to 6 players can play from 10 to 15 minutes each. Since there's no reading required, everyone can have a good time, from youngest to oldest. It's a great game for children and adults to play together.

This product is one in a line of excellent products from a well-established company in this field, Gemini Kaleidoscopes, that have since 1980 bring the best classics into the world of today.

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