Discovery Toys Playful Patterns

Discovery Toys

Playful Patterns

Arts & Crafts
Creative Product
Educational Skills Product

This is a very basic play set that will help your child develop language development and problem solving. The pieces are geometric foam pieces that match the designs on the pattern cards. As your child plays with them, they gain skills in solving problems plus they're developing eye-hand coordination, visual perception and other skills that are important for reading. Learning the shapes helps them to make the connection to letters. The foam pieces are easy to handle, not frustrating, and definitely one of the long lasting products in the Discovery Toys line. The bright shapes are easy to identify. There are 34 designs that are included.

Brief History of Discovery Toys

Lane Nemeth created Discovery Toys in 1978. She was looking for educational toys for her daughter and started the company in the garage of her home. She developed a sales force of educational consultants that demonstrate the products to small groups of consumers in a friend's home. It provides opportunities for the educational consultants that now total over 30,000 throughout the United States and Canada. There are over 200 products in the Discovery Toys line, based in Livermore, California, it is the leading direct best seller for toys, books and software.

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