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Spring International / dig it up!

Spring International

dig it up!

Construction Toy
Creative Product
$15.95 - $75.00

dig it up! is a series of high quality museum type dinosaur fossil excavation and assembly kits. It helps children to understand the mysterious pre-historic world. It helps them to develop an interest in archeology. It is new to the market place and will help your child to understand the different aspects of dinosaurs. This product comes in different series including dinosaurs in separate models, Pterosaurs in three models, dinoegg with three different embryos, and other 3-D skeleton excavation and assembly kits. Your child will develop an interest in paleontology. This product was the only dino dig product approved by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology for exhibition at its international annual meeting at Oklahoma last October. It is well produced and offers a great challenge in range of value that you child can engage in. For dig it up! Series I to III, there are 3D dimensions fossil in the product buried in plaster panel. The fossil stays in the panel after finishing the excavation. For other series, the 3D dimensions fossil can be taken out and then assembled after excavating. There are steps involved that the child can do alone or with parents. Each one of the products is of high quality and will be very much enjoyed.

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