Braincandy / Braincandy, My 5 Senses: A Yummy Music & Sound Exploration

Braincandy, My 5 Senses: A Yummy Music & Sound Exploration

Age Range
6 m-4 y
Active Toy
Audio Tape

This high quality production is part of a series of innovative videos your little one will enjoy. It is full of explorations to foster your child’s sense of sight and finding different ways to look at the world. Young learners will come to understand their sense of hearing with listening to different sounds that will help them to tune in. Through music your little one will experience a range of emotions as they begin to “feel” the music. Exploration of sense of smell as your child is encouraged to differentiate between good and bad smells. Discover the world of taste. This inventive video series feeds your little one's appetites for learning by encouraging them to experience the world around them more fully. It features a creative combination of puppet characters representing the five senses. Move along to the beat of Reggae music, Jazz, Classical, Latin and Rock-A-Billy. Real kids participate in sensory-oriented activities and innovative animation shows how the senses work. By taking an active-play based approach to focusing on children learning by doing, this video heightens their sensitivity and awareness with the environment and helps them be more in tune. Music includes a combination of reggae, rock, classical, and more. Your child will develop critical thinking skills and learn to engage their senses to explore, experiment, and discover things about their environment and themselves. This is a great way to stimulate imagination and will help teach your child new ways of experiencing things while also giving parents and caregivers fresh ideas for facilitating sensory exploration.

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