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Duncan Toys Super Tournament Yo-Yo

Duncan Toys

Super Tournament Yo-Yo

8 - 12 years

The wooden Duncan Super Tournament Yo-Yo is the ultimate classic. The standard for over half a century, the Super Tornament has excellent balance, quick response, and great spin. Made of Hard Rock Maple., this fixed axle yo-yo is one of the finest loopers ever made. Packaged in a clear gift box with a reproduction of the 1955 Duncan Trick Book, this yo-yo is a great value.

Duncan, the oldest Yo-Yo company, since 1929, has held the trademark on the word "yo-yo" for more than thirty years. The second oldest toy in the world, yo-yos have been found in Egyptian temple art work, in the ruins of Ancient Greece, and in paintings of Napolean.

Donald F. Duncan (invented Good Humor Ice Cream and the parking meter) bought the Flores Yo Yo company in 1929, and began producing yo-yos under both the Flores and Duncan names. He invented the slip strong which allows the yo-yo to spin freely at the end of the string. This is the single most important development in the history of the yo yo, as this is the basic for 99% of all yoyo tricks. Throughout the 30's through the 50's Duncan promoted yo yos with innovative demonstrations an markinetng campaids featured the Duncan professionals. The Duncan Professionals developed all of the Classic Trickssuch as "Walk the Dog", "Around the World" and "Rock the Baby." In the 60's Duncan conintinue its innovation with spin tops and new yo yos made of plastic. A costly lawsuit to protect the yo-yo trademark forced Duncan out of business, in the mid 60's. The company name was bought by the current owner Flambeau Products. Duncan Toys have been the number one supplier of quality yo yos and spin tops to the entire world for more than 70 years. Yo yos build skills that last a lifetime. With over 600 million sold by Duncan alone it seems the world agrees.

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