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Harmonic Vision / Music Ace Deluxe

Music Ace Deluxe

Educational Skills
Age Range:
6 - 12
Year Released:

This software is a collection of 36 music lessons and games that will help your child learn music theory, rhythm, pitch, note reading, listening, and the keyboard. Maestro Max helps your child go through a series of music lessons. This program has won awards for its high quality in teaching music in the schools. Music helps children perform better in math and reading. These self-paced lessons will teach the child the basic skills they need regarding music theory and they will gain confidence. This basic software program will provide affordable fun for you and your child. It is compatible for Windows or MAC computers. It is a good alternative to expensive music lessons. With this product you will be able to explore every aspect of music. The lessons and games are exciting and stimulating. You will learn more on their website.

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